Sunday, 11 January 2015

Yahoo Urges Users to Ditch Google Chrome for the Latest Firefox


Yahoo is not a new name when it comes to internet technology and it has been around for quite a number of years.
The two major services that put this company at the top are that of email services and a search engine. Yahoo has been at the forefront of acquiring other social agencies and other companies in the technological world. Since this company started, it has managed to add a total of 112 companies to its name. One weird trend about many of Yahoo’s acquisitions is that they rarely shoot up. However, there have been exceptions like with the case of Flickr and Tumblr.
Yahoo is the default search engine in Firefox
Sometimes back, Firefox web browser made use of Google as their default search engine. However, things haven’t been that smooth at Firefox, since Google introduced a direct competitor to its services in the shape of Chrome. Nevertheless, things have changed as Yahoo is now the default search engine for Firefox users.
This can be a win-win situation for both Yahoo and Firefox, since the services of these two companies fall second best to those of Google. The Yahoo search engine is behind Google’s search engine while the Firefox web browser is still behind Chrome.
Yahoo requests users to upgrade to the latest Firefox
The latest users of Yahoo might have noticed something different with this search engine. In the recent update, Yahoo simply urges Chrome users to ditch it for Firefox by displaying a message like “upgrade to Firefox”. If you are also using Opera, Yandex and Internet Explorer; you’ll see this message again asking you to shift your allegiance from Google to Firefox.
Microsoft to acquire Yahoo and Firefox
If the latest rumors stand, then Microsoft will soon own another franchise in the shape of Yahoo, just a few months after acquiring Nokia. If this is successful, it can be a very logical step since the Yahoo search engine is powered by Microsoft’s Bing.

Maybe Microsoft is behind the Yahoo shift from Google to Firefox, or even maybe this giant tech company is on the verge of acquiring Firefox too. All these can only be unfolded by time. Keep following us for the latest about this battle between Google and Microsoft.

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