Saturday, 27 February 2016


Hello everyone.

What i want to discuss here is probably what you have not heard or read before and probably what you might not have practiced before.
Secondly, the post might not interest you and so will it not interest many. And finally, its not for everyone, only for the very few who are disciplined and responsible when it comes to money. According to Benjamin Franklin who said "he who lives without discipline, will die without honour".

Now to my topic. How do you turn your children to rich and independent kids? The answer is very simple, all you need to do is teach them how to save. Let me share an experience with you. A father has a family of four i.e. the father, the mother two kids; a boy and a girl. During the festive periods he faces the challenges of taking care of virtually all the bills in the house alone and he wanted a way out and he wanted everyone to support him willingly to reduce his burden and that without asking. What he did will blow your mind away.

This is what he did; on the eve of the new year i.e. 31st of December, he requested the services of a furniture maker or the one we all call the carpenter to build for him a strong four (4) safes, what the yoruba people call "kolo" with a padlock and key attached to it. When he got to the house he called a family meeting and said one our new year resolution is to start saving and that every member of the family will have a safe (kolo) including himself. They are expected to put in it any careless legitimate cash that slips into their hands through out the year and that no matter what happens the safe can only be open at the end of the year.

Aside the fact that the safes are strongly built, he only has access to the keys of all the safes well hidden.

The race began, the experience began, the journey began and savings began. Despite challenges, everyone kept a disciplined attitude and no one even talks about opening the safe or anything relating to it. All challenges faced where overcame during the period as they all bonded together to see the outcome of daddy's experiment. As the year go by it turns to be an exciting experience and everyone got use to it and waiting to see what will come out of it.

Once in a while daddy sneaks to the children's room and drop some cash in their safe without their knowledge and sometimes he did with their knowledge just to encourage them so likewise does mummy. The journey continues and so it comes to the end of the year as God was faithful keeping everyone alive. Now this was the result:

On the 23rd of December the next year, everyone gathered round and everyone brought their safe out. The carpenter was invited to break the safes as daddy has dropped all the keys in the pit toilet. You will be amazed to find what was inside each safe as no one would have believed they have saved so much within the period. All the needs of the family and that of each family members where met and even beyond expectation and it turned out to be the very best festive period ever for the entire family. I will not tell you the rest, am sure you can imagine.

After this experience the family continued the tradition until today, house rents were paid without loan, school fees without borrowing, cars bought and houses built without sweat.

In summary, you can do the same, be discipline and teach same to your children and train them on independent saving techniques like the one i taught above. When they get these monies teach them to invest and you will discover in no time your kids will become rich and independent.

If you need my advice on what kids can invest on after saving and become rich and independent buzz me. However, my services are not free. Thank you.

B. B. Emmanuel

whatsapp: +2348062451455

Tuesday, 23 February 2016


"The five laws of gold offer to thee a rich reward for their observance. "Each of these five laws is rich with meaning and lest thou overlook this in the briefness of my tale, I will now repeat them. I do know them each by heart because in my youth, I could see their value and would not be content until I knew them word for word.

The First Law of Gold
Gold cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less than one-tenth of his earnings to create an estate for his future and that of his family.

"Any man who will put by one-tenth of his earnings consistently and invest it wisely will surely create a valuable estate that will provide an income for him in the future and further guarantee safety for his family in case the gods call him to the world of darkness.

This law always sayeth that gold cometh gladly to such a man. I can truly certify this in my own life. The more gold I accumulate, the more readily it comes to me and in increased quantities. The gold which I save earns more, even as yours will, and its earnings earn more, and this is the working out of the first law."

The Second Law of Gold
Gold laboreth diligently and contentedly for the wise owner who finds for it profitable employment, multiplying even as the flocks of the field.

"Gold, indeed, is a willing worker. It is ever eager to multiply when opportunity presents itself. To every man who hath a store of gold set by, opportunity comes for its most profitable use. As the years pass, it multiplies itself in surprising fashion."

 The Third Law of Gold
Gold clingeth to the protection of the cautious owner who invests it under the advice of men wise in its handling.

"Gold, indeed, clingeth to the cautious owner, even as it flees the careless owner. The man who seeks the advice of men wise in handling gold soon learneth not to jeopardize his treasure, but to preserve in safety and to enjoy in contentment its consistent increase."

The Fourth Law of Gold
Gold slippeth away from the man who invests it in businesses or purposes with which he is not familiar or which are not approved by those skilled in its keep.

To the man who hath gold, yet is not skilled in its handling, many uses for it appear most
profitable. Too often these are fraught with danger of loss, and if properly analyzed by wise men, show small possibility of profit. Therefore, the inexperienced owner of gold who trusts to his own judgment and invests it in business or purposes with which he is not familiar, too often finds his judgment imperfect, and pays with his treasure for his inexperience. Wise, indeed is he who investeth his treasures under the advice of men skilled In the ways of gold."

The Fifth Law of Gold
Gold flees the man who would force it to impossible earnings or who followeth the alluring advice of tricksters and schemers or who trusts it to his own inexperience and romantic desires in investment.

"Fanciful propositions that thrill like adventure tales always come to the new owner of gold. These appear to endow his treasure with magic powers that will enable it to make impossible earnings. Yet heed ye the wise men for verily they know the risks that lurk behind every plan to make great wealth suddenly.

"Forget not the rich men of Nineveh who would take no chance of losing their principal or tying it up in unprofitable investments. "This ends my tale of the five laws of gold. In telling it to thee, I have told the secrets of my own success.

"Yet, they are not secrets but truths which every man must first learn and then follow who wishes to step out of the multitude that, like you wild dogs, must worry each day for food to eat.

"Tomorrow, we enter Babylon. Look! See the fire that burns eternal above the Temple of Bel! We are already in sight of the golden city.

Tomorrow, each of thee shall have gold, the gold thou has so well earned by thy faithful

"Ten years from this night, what can you tell about this gold?

"If there be men among you, who, like Nomasir, will use a portion of their gold to start for themselves an estate and be thenceforth wisely guided by the wisdom of Arkad, ten years from now, 'tis a safe wager, like the son of Arkad, they will be rich and respected among men.

"Our wise acts accompany us through life to please us and to help us. Just as surely, our unwise acts follow us to plague and torment us. Alas, they cannot be forgotten. In the front rank of the torments that do follow us are the memories of the things we should have done, of the opportunities which came to us and we took not.

"Rich are the treasures of Babylon, so rich no man can count their value in pieces of gold. Each year, they grow richer and more valuable. Like the treasures of every land, they are a reward, a rich reward awaiting those men of purpose who determine to secure their just share.

"In the strength of thine own desires is a magic power. Guide this power with thy knowledge of the five laws of gold and thou shall share the treasures of Babylon."

Monday, 22 February 2016


I. Gold cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man who will put by not less than
one-tenth of his earnings to create an estate for his future and that of his family.

II. Gold laboreth diligently and contentedly for the wise owner who finds for it profitable
employment, multiplying even as the flocks of the field.

III. Gold clingeth to the protection of the cautious owner who invests it under the advice of men wise in its handling.

IV. Gold slippeth away from the man who invests it in businesses or purposes with which
he is not familiar or which are not approved by those skilled in its keep.

V. Gold flees the man who would force it to impossible earnings or who followeth the alluring advice of tricksters and schemers or who trusts it to his own inexperience and romantic desires in investment.

" 'These are the five laws of gold as written by my father. I do proclaim them as of greater value than gold itself, as I will show by the continuance of my tale.'

"He again faced his father. 'I have told thee of the depth of poverty and despair to which my inexperience brought me.

" 'However, there is no chain of disasters that will not come to an end. Mine came when I secured employment managing a crew of slaves working upon the new outer wall of the city. "

'Profiting from my knowledge of the first law of gold, I saved a copper from my first earnings, adding to it at every opportunity until I had a piece of silver. It was a slow procedure, for one must live.
I did spend grudgingly, I admit, because I was determined to earn back before the ten years were over as much gold as you, my father, had given to me.

" 'One day the slave master, with whom I had become quite friendly, said to me: "Thou art a thrifty youth who spends not wantonly what he earns. Hast thou gold put by that is not earning?" "

'Yes,' I replied, 'It is my greatest desire to accumulate gold to replace that which my father gave to me and which I have lost.'

" 'Tis a worthy ambition, I will grant, and do you know that the gold which you have saved can work for you and earn much more gold?"

" 'Alas! my experience has been bitter, for my father's gold has fled from me, and I am in much fear lest my own do the same.'

" 'If thou hast confidence in me, I will give thee a lesson in the profitable handling of gold," he replied. "Within a year the outer wall will be complete and ready for the great gates of bronze that will be built at each entrance to protect the city from the king's enemies.

In all Nineveh there is not enough metal to make these gates and the king has not thought to provide it. Here is my plan: A group of us will pool our gold and send a caravan to the mines of copper and tin, which are distant, and bring to Nineveh the metal for the gates. When the king says, 'Make the great gates,' we alone can supply the metal and a rich price he will pay. If the king will not buy from us, we will yet have the metal which can be sold for a fair price."

" 'In his offer I recognized an opportunity to abide by the third law and invest my savings under the guidance of wise men. Nor was I disappointed. Our pool was a success, and my small store of gold was greatly increased by the transaction.
" 'In due time, I was accepted as a member of this same group in other ventures. They were men wise in the profitable handling of gold. They talked over each plan presented with great care, before entering upon it. They would take no chance on losing their principal or tying it up in unprofitable investments from which their gold could not be recovered. Such foolish things as the horse race and the partnership into which I had entered with my inexperience would have had scant consideration with them. They would have immediately pointed out their weaknesses.

" 'Through my association with these men, I learned to safely invest gold to bring profitable returns. As the years went on, my treasure increased more and more rapidly. I not only made back as much as I lost, but much more.

" 'Through my misfortunes, my trials and my success, I have tested time and again the wisdom of the five laws of gold, my father, and have proven them true in every test. To him who is without knowledge of the five laws, gold comes not often, and goeth away quickly. But to him who abide by the five laws, gold comes and works as his dutiful slave.'

"Nomasir ceased speaking and motioned to a slave in the back of the room. The slave brought forward, one at a time, three heavy leather bags. One of these Nomasir took and placed upon the floor before his father addressing him again:

" 'Thou didst give to me a bag of gold, Babylon gold. Behold in its place, I do return to thee a bag of Nineveh gold of equal weight An equal exchange, as all will agree.

" 'Thou didst give to me a clay tablet inscribed with wisdom. Behold, in its stead, I do return two bags of gold.' So saying, he took from the slave the other two bags and, likewise, placed them upon the floor before his father.

" 'This I do to prove to thee, my father, of how much greater value I consider thy wisdom than thy gold. Yet, who can measure in bags of gold, the value of wisdom? Without wisdom, gold is quickly lost by those who have it, but with wisdom, gold can be secured by those who have it not, as these three bags of gold do prove.
" 'It does, indeed, give to me the deepest satisfaction, my father, to stand before thee and say that, because of thy wisdom, I have been able to become rich and respected before men.'

"The father placed his hand fondly upon the head of Nomasir. 'Thou hast learned well thy lessons, and I am, indeed, fortunate to have a son to whom I may entrust my wealth.'

" Kalabab ceased his tale and looked critically at his listeners.

"What means this to thee, this tale of Nomasir?" he continued.

"Who amongst thee can go to thy father or to the father of thy wife and give an account of wise handling of his earnings?

"What would these venerable men think were you to say: 'I have traveled much and learned much and labored much and earned much, yet alas, of gold I have little. Some I spent wisely, some I spent foolishly and much I lost in unwise ways.'

"Dost still think it but an inconsistency of fate that some men have much gold and others have naught? Then you err.

"Men have much gold when they know the five laws of gold and abide thereby.

"Because I learned these five laws in my youth and abided by them, I have become a wealthy merchant. Not by some strange magic did I accumulate my wealth.

"Wealth that comes quickly goeth the same way.

"Wealth that stayeth to give enjoyment and satisfaction to its owner comes gradually, because it is a child born of knowledge and persistent purpose.

"To earn wealth is but a slight burden upon the thoughtful man. Bearing the burden consistently from year to year accomplishes the final purpose.
"The five laws of gold offer to thee a rich reward for their observance. "Each of these five laws is rich with meaning and lest thou overlook this in the briefness of my tale, I will now repeat them. I do know them each by heart because in my youth, I could see their value and would not be content until I knew them word for word.

Saturday, 20 February 2016


"A bag heavy with gold or a clay tablet carved with words of wisdom; if thou hadst thy choice, which wouldst thou choose?"

By the flickering light from the fire of desert shrubs, the sun-tanned faces of the listeners
gleamed with interest.

"The gold, the gold," chorused the twenty-seven.

Old Kalabab smiled knowingly.

"Hark," he resumed, raising his hand. "Hear the wild dogs out there in the night. They howl and wail because they are lean with hunger. Yet feed them, and what do they? Fight and strut. Then fight and strut some more, giving no thought to the morrow that will surely come.

"Just so it is with the sons of men. Give them a choice of gold and wisdom—what do they do? Ignore the wisdom and waste the gold. On the morrow they wail because they have no more gold.

"Gold is reserved for those who know its laws and abide by them."

Kalabab drew his white robe close about his lean legs, for a cool night wind was blowing.

"Because thou hast served me faithfully upon our long journey, because thou cared well for my camels, because thou toiled uncomplainingly across the hot sands of the desert, because thou fought bravely the robbers that sought to despoil my merchandise, I will tell thee this night the tale of the five laws of gold, such a tale as thou never hast heard before.

"Hark ye, with deep attention to the words I speak, for if you grasp their meaning and heed them, in the days that come thou shalt have much gold."

He paused impressively. Above in a canopy of blue, the stars shone brightly in the crystal clear skies of Babylonia. Behind the group loomed their faded tents tightly staked against possible desert storms. Beside the tents were neatly stacked bales of merchandise covered with skins. Nearby the camel herd sprawled in the sand, some chewing their cuds contentedly, others snoring in hoarse discord.

"Thou hast told us many good tales, Kalabab," spoke up the chief packer. "We look to thy wisdom to guide us upon the morrow when our service with thee shall be at an end."

"I have but told thee of my adventures in strange and distant lands, but this night I shall tell thee of the wisdom of Arkad, the wise rich man."

"Much have we heard of him," acknowledged the chief packer, "for he was the richest man that ever lived in Babylon."

"The richest man he was, and that because be was wise in the ways of gold, even as no man had ever been before him. This night shall I tell you of his great wisdom as it was told to me by Nomasir, his son, many years ago in Nineveh, when I was but a lad.

"My master and myself had tarried long into the night in the palace of Nomasir. I had helped my master bring great bundles of fine rugs, each one to be tried by Nomasir until his choice of colors was satisfied. At last he was well pleased and commanded us to sit with him and to drink a rare vintage odorous to the nostrils and most warming to my stomach, which was unaccustomed to such a drink.

"Then, did he tell us this tale of the great wisdom of Arkad, his father, even as I shall tell it to you.

"In Babylon it is the custom, as you know, that the sons of wealthy fathers live with their
parents in expectation of inheriting the estate. Arkad did not approve of this custom. Therefore, when Nomasir reached man's estate, he sent for the young man and addressed him:

" 'My son, it is my desire that thou succeed to my estate. Thou must, however, first prove that thou art capable of wisely handling it. Therefore, I wish that thou go out into the world and show thy ability both to acquire gold and to make thyself respected among men.

" 'To start thee well, I will give thee two things of which I, myself, was denied when I started as a poor youth to build up a fortune.

" 'First, I give thee this bag of gold. If thou use it wisely, it will be the basis of thy future

" 'Second, I give thee this clay tablet upon which is carved the five laws of gold. If thou dost but interpret them in thy own acts, they shall bring thee competence and security.

" 'Ten years from this day come thou back to the house of thy father and give account of thyself. If thou prove worthy, I will then make thee the heir to my estate. Otherwise, I will give it to the priests that they may barter for my soul the land consideration of the gods.'

"So Nomasir went forth to make his own way, taking his bag of gold, the clay tablet carefully wrapped in silken cloth, his slave and the horses upon which they rode.
"The ten years passed, and Nomasir, as he had agreed, returned to the house of his father who provided a great feast in his honor, to which he invited many friends and relatives. After the feast was over, the father and mother mounted their throne-like seats at one side of the great hall, and Nomasir stood before them to give an account of himself as he had promised his father.

It was evening. The room was hazy with smoke from the wicks of the oil lamps that but dimly lighted it. Slaves in white woven jackets and tunics fanned the humid air rhythmically with longstemmed palm leaves. A stately dignity colored the scene. The wife of Nomasir and his two young sons, with friends and other members of the family, sat upon rugs behind him, eager listeners.

" 'My father,' he began deferentially, I bow before thy wisdom. Ten years ago when I stood at the gates of manhood, thou bade me go forth and become a man among men, instead of remaining a vassal to thy fortune.

" 'Thou gave me liberally of thy gold. Thou gave me liberally of thy wisdom. Of the gold, alas! I must admit of a disastrous handling. It fled, indeed, from my inexperienced hands even as a wild hare flees at the first opportunity from the youth who captures it.'

"The father smiled indulgently. 'Continue, my son, thy tale interests me in all its details.'

" 'I decided to go to Nineveh, as it was a growing city, believing that I might find there opportunities. I joined a caravan and among its members made numerous friends. Two well-spoken men who had a most beautiful white horse as fleet as the wind were among these.

" 'As we journeyed, they told me in confidence that in Nineveh was a wealthy man who owned a horse so swift that it had never been beaten. Its owner believed that no horse living could run with greater speed. Therefore, would he wager any sum however large that his horse could outspeed any horse in all Babylonia. Compared to their horse, so my friends said, it was but a lumbering ass that could be beaten with ease.

" 'They offered, as a great favor, to permit me to join them in a wager. I was quite carried away with the plan.

" 'Our horse was badly beaten and I lost much of my gold.' The father laughed. 'Later, I
discovered that this was a deceitful plan of these men and they constantly journeyed with caravans seeking victims. You see, the man in Nineveh was their partner and shared with them the bets he won.

This shrewd deceit taught me my first lesson in looking out for myself.

" 'I was soon to learn another, equally bitter. In the caravan was another young man with whom I became quite friendly. He was the son of wealthy parents and, like myself, journeying to Nineveh to find a suitable location. Not long after our arrival, he told me that a merchant had died and his shop with its rich merchandise and patronage could be secured at a paltry price. Saying that we would be equal partners but first he must return to Babylon to secure his gold, he prevailed upon me to purchase the stock with my gold, agreeing that his would be used later to carry on our venture.

" 'He long delayed the trip to Babylon, proving in the meantime to be an unwise buyer and a foolish spender. I finally put him out, but not before the business had deteriorated to where we had only unsalable goods and no gold to buy other goods. I sacrificed what was left to an Israelite for a pitiful sum.

" 'Soon there followed, I tell you, my father, bitter days. I sought employment and found it not, for I was without trade or training that would enable me to earn. I sold my horses. I sold my slave. I sold my extra robes that I might have food and a place to sleep, but each day grim want crouched closer.

" 'But in those bitter days, I remembered thy confidence in me, my father. Thou hadst sent me forth to become a man, and this I was determined to accomplish.' The mother buried her face and wept softly. " 'At this time, I bethought me of the table thou had given to me upon which thou had carved the five laws of gold. Thereupon, I read most carefully thy words of wisdom, and realized that had I but sought wisdom first, my gold would not have been lost to me.

I learned by heart each law and determined that, when once more the goddess of good fortune smiled upon me, I would be guided by the wisdom of age and not by the inexperience of youth.

" 'For the benefit of you who are seated here this night, I will read the wisdom of my father as engraved upon the clay tablet which he gave to me ten years ago:

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Get A Glo Line Series Two

I am back again everyone on my campaign for Globacom and my campaign against impunity networks who take us for granted forgetting that we are the ones who made them rich. They (the other foreign network) make stupid and unjustifiable money from Nigeria, take it to their own country to improve and develop it and make a mess of our country and even go ahead to kill our people. We must show them and prove to them we are the largest economy in Africa and we cannot be taken for granted. We must prove to them that without us they cannot survive and there cannot be them. We must prove to them we are their father and we contributed greatly to save them from internal slavery they experienced. We must let them know that we are aware of their corrupt practices in our father land Nigeria through our heartless, hopeless, corrupt and shameless leaders who supported them to rip from us excesses where they do not sow. How do we do this?

Its simple, let us go for Glo. It is indigenous, it is local, it is our own, the money is coming back to us, the industries are coming back to us, the employment into better positions and offices in glo are ours, their wealth is our wealth, the employments are ours and our children.

Like I said before I have no relationship with glo or whatsoever, in fact i just gat a glo line and their services have been satisfying, excellent, fibre optical, brilliant and cheap. I am using glo data for my internet services and it is super satisfying. Guys i am angry at this other networks not because i have a grudge against them but because they seem to take Nigerians and Nigeria a fool and we must all put an end to their impunity.

Like I said yesterday please get a glo line, recharge your glo line, buy glo data, make calls with glo line and text messages with a glo line. let us all make glo rich so their network can be everywhere you are, town, cities, villages, hurts, LGA, in the bush, in the forest, in the river, in the air and even under the ground. When we and glo can do this then we can get rid of all these impunity networks and in fact we do not need to fine them anymore.

When all Nigerians (the most populous nation in the world) uses glo line home and abroad, it is more than enough fine and we do not need a prophet to tell them to pack their load and go.

You cant just come to Nigeria because of your corrupt relationship with some of our corrupt, useless, hopeless and heartless leaders who do not care about the future of this county and do whatever you like thinking Nigerians and fools and get away with it. let us see whether without their network we will survive or not.

If you cannot do without this impunity network please get a glo line, keep the other line only to receive calls. Make all your calls through glo, recharge through glo, text through glo internet data through glo. Before I end this let me show you another reason and wonder why we must patronise tiwan tiwan glo network.

Please share and let us get rid of impunity and slavery in our land. Patronise tiwan tiwan Globacom.

call me using a glo line on this line: +2348062451455

Get DOUBLE your daily usage back the next day on Glo Free Tomorrow.
With Glo Free tomorrow, whatever you use today, you get DOUBLE back FREE TOMORROW. No conditions attached. You get back double what you use on a daily basis the next day. Simple.
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With Glo Free Tomorrow, whatever you use today, you get DOUBLE back tomorrow to browse, make calls or send SMS to any network.
2. Who can avail of the Glo Free Tomorrow plan?
All new and existing prepaid customers
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Dial *300#.
4. Am I charged for opting for Glo Free Tomorrow?
Opting for Glo Free Tomorrow is Free
5. What are the benefits of Glo Free Tomorrow
• Use today and get DOUBLE back the next day: 200% of whatever is spent from Main account is refunded back to the customer the next day
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Your Free tomorrow promo account is credited at 00:01 the day after usage from your Main account. You can confirm your Free tomorrow balance by dialing #122*8#
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By dialing #122# or #122*8#
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Yes, you will receive a notification via SMS
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Bonus expires at 23:59 daily
11. Where am I charged from when I browse if I have Free Tomorrow bonus Airtime and I’m currently subscribed to a data plan?
You will be charged first from your data plan before your Free Tomorrow bonus account can be charged when you are browsing if you have a data plan.
12. What can I do with the free airtime?
The free airtime can be used to browse, make calls or send text to ANY network and to call popular international destinations
13. I’m currently subscribed to the ongoing 200% Bonus Promo (Talk More) and I want to opt for Free Tomorrow, will I still be getting the bonus on recharges?
No you won’t. You cannot be on Free Tomorrow and Talk More at the same time.Once you subscribe to Free Tomorrow, you will lose the benefits of Talk More and all your daily usage from Main account will be refunded to you the next day.
14. I am on Glo G-BAM. Will I still pay N5 daily?
No you won’t as soon as your Free Tomorrow profile is active
15. I’m on Glo Bounce. Will I still get my Bounce freebies e.g free data on recharge of N200?
No you won’t as soon as your Free Tomorrow profile is active
16. I’m on Glo Bumpa. Will I still get my 200% bonus on recharges made if I successfully opt for Free Tomorrow?
17. Can a postpaid customer migrate to FT?
18. What happens to my unused bonus after 23:59 daily?
The unused bonus balance will be forfeited
19. Which account is charged first if I have credit in my Main account?
The Glo Free Tomorrow account is charged first and Main account will be charged when the bonus account has been fully depleted that day
20. Can I use my Free Tomorrow bonus to buy data plan, subscribe to VAS service, purchase packs?
21. Is there a rental fee on Glo Free Tomorrow plan?
22. Do I need to do anything extra before I can enjoy the discounted International calling rate to the popular destinations?
No. All your calls to USA, UK landlines, Canada, China and India will be charged at 22K/s once you have successfully migrated to Glo Free Tomorrow plan.
23. Can existing customers opt for the new Glo Free Tomorrow plan?
Yes. Existing customers can opt for the promo by dialing *300#
24. Will new activations enjoy this tariff and benefits by default?
No. New activations are on a default tariff of Infinito. New, as well as existing customers will have to dial the USSD opt in code *300# to enjoy Glo Free Tomorrow benefits.
25. How do I opt out of Glo Free Tomorrow plan?
By dialing *301#. By dialing this, you cease to enjoy the daily free airtime and you are migrated to the default plan on the network, Glo Infinito, where you call 10 frequently called numbers at 11k/s and call all networks at 20k/s. Alternatively, dial the migration code of the profile you desire.
26. Am I charged for opting out of Glo Free Tomorrow?
Opting out with *301# is free
27. What will happen to customer’s Main account and promo account balance on migration?
Customer will lose ONLY the balance in the promo account on migration.
28. What happens if I don’t use my line in a day?
You will not get free airtime the next day
29. If I subscribe to a data plan with N1,000 or any other amount, will I get double the subscription amount back the next day as FT bonus?
No. The amount spent to purchase data plan will not be refunded to you the next day as FT Bonus
30. If I subscribe to bundle packs such as Jollof, Biggy or IDD packs, will I get double the subscription amount back the next day as FT bonus?
No. The amount spent on subscriptions will not be refunded to you the next day as FT Bonus
31. If I subscribe for a VAS product, will I get double the subscription amount back the next day as FT bonus?
No. The amount spent on subscriptions will not be refunded to you the next day as FT Bonus
32. Will I get FT bonus on FT bonus usage?
33. Will I get notification when my FT bonus account is credited?
34. Can a customer who is subscribed to Glo Free Tomorrow buy Packs such as Biigy, IDD, Jollof e.t.c?
Yes you can. Just dial the subscription code of the pack you want.
35. Is Glo Free Tomorrow plan a promotional offer?
36. When is the Glo Free Tomorrow plan ending?
The promo will run until it is withdrawn

Go For Glo

It has been observed that everywhere you go a prophet is without honour only in his own country. But for Globacom that has to change and it has to start changing today. The way a particular network in this country oppressed, embarrass, steal and humiliate us has to stop. We do not want them to be fined or something because those that should fine them has skeleton in their cupboards but we can fine them ourselves and this is how. Before I continue please be rest assured that i dont work for glo neither are my an employee, and neither is anyone paying me to do this. i chose glo because it is indigenous and their plans are very good, effective and very affordable even considerably favourable.

In this forum i will be giving us reasons why we should get a glo line and if you have any inquiry you need to make just halla me and I will be there for you. For now this is what i want you to do. Get a glo line and recharge it. Use the glo line to make all your calls, send text messages and for internet browsing then use the other line only to receive call and probably recall the numbers on the sim. This is the only way we can tell them we are no fools. This is the only we can tell them they make more profits here more than they make even in their own country and yet they are still treating us with impunity. No be their fault shaaa... our big belle, corrupt and headless leaders in charge are their puppets but we are not and we shall never be.

Another reason why we should use glo apart from the fact that their services are brilliantly excellent they are indigenous and whatever billions they make here will still come back to us here and benefit us all. Let us patronize them, let us lift up and honour one of our own.

Before i end this topic let me give you a tip and an example of unbeatable data plan that glo has sets for us. Aside from this data, extra datas are added on loading. Tomorrow I will be looking at their call charges and tariff. Please read and forward let us campaign against impunity and oppression on our own soil by foreign rogues. Check this out and see if you can beat it.

  Our variety of data plans ensure you get the best value at your own preference. Our data plans range from daily, weekly, monthly and Flexi plans to Blackberry Plans including plans for Blackberry 10 devices.
We offer much more data volumes for much lesser prices. We also provide a self care data management portal, the High Speed Internet (HSI) portal where you can view your data usage, share data, buy data and gift data, available at
Dial *777# or visit to buy and manage subscriptions (Applicable to mobile devices Using the Glo Bolt Internet service).

Plan Details
Data Packs
Data Pack    Price (N) Opt In Code
1 Day Pack    N50        Dial *127*14#
3 Day Pack    N100        Dial *127*51#
7 Day Pack    N200        Dial *127*56#

Daily Plans

Plan Name               Price (N) Data Volume Validity SMS to 127 USSD Code
Always Day               500        195MB        1 Day        10 *127*3#
Instant Surf                100        20MB         1 Day          51 *127*51#
Smallie                        200        50MB         3 Days        56     *127*56#

Weekly Plans

Plan Name     Price (N) Data Volume Validity SMS to 127 USSD Code
One Week     400        65MB          7 Days 52 *127*52#
Big Week     500        150MB          7 Days 57 *127*57#

Monthly Plans

Plan Name        Price (N) Data Volume Validity SMS to 127 USSD Code
Always Micro        1,000        1.5GB        30 Days 53 *127*53#
My Phone        2,000        3GB                30 Days 55 *127*55#
So Special        2,500        4.5GB        30 Days 58 *127*58#
Always Macro        3,000         6GB                30 Days 54 *127*54#
N4,000 Data Plan 4,000        9GB                30 Days 59 *127*59#
Always Min        5,000        12GB         30 Days 11 *127*2#
Always Max        8,000        24GB         30 Days 12 *127*1#
Silver                10,000        11GB         30 Days 15 *127*11#
Gold                15,000            17GB         30 Days 16 *127*12#
Platinum                 18,000        21GB         30 Days 17 *127*13#

Are you out of data before end of your validity or you just want added data to your current plan? Boost your data plan by 1GB for just N500 OR by 300MB for just N200. Dial *777# to buy extra data (1GB Data Plan Boost is for 1GB plans or higher)

Flexi Plans

Plan Name                  (N) Data Volume Validity SMS to 127 USSD Code
N200_NIGHT_PLAN 200        1GB                1 day (12am – 5am) 60 *127*60#
N500_WEEKEND_PLAN500 3GB 7 days (Weekend – Saturday 12 am – Sunday 11.59pm & Nights 12 am – 5pm) 61 *127*61#
G 100                        6,000  4GB 100 Hrs or 30 days 20 *127*5#
G 300                        15,000 12GB 300 Hrs or 3 Months 21 *127*4#
G-Leisure                5,000 4GB 8PM to 9AM – Weekdays + All day on Weekends 30 *127*7#
G-Work                6,000        4GB 8 AM to 9 PM 31 *127*6#


Price           Data Validity On Campus
N200           200MB 4 Days 400MB
N500           500MB 7 Days 1GB
N1000           1GB 15 Days 2GB
N2000           2GB 30 Days 4GB
N5000          5GB 30 Days 10GB

Data Calculator
How Much Data Do I Need?
Data Usage
100MB Surf the web for 10 hours or Check 2000 emails or Watch 50 mins of video streaming
500MB Surf the web for 50 hours or Check 10,000 emails or Watch 4 hours of video streaming
2GB        Surf the web for 200 hours or Check 40,000 emails or Watch 20 hours of video streaming
6GB        Surf the web for 600 hours or Watch 60 hours of video streaming or Use your mobile as modem
* Usage is a guide only based on the following assumptions: Web browsing = 10MB per hour, Email = 50KB per email, YouTube streaming = 2MB per minute.

Join me tomorrow and see more wonders from tiwan tiwan globacom.
Share until we drive the task masters and slave traders out of our father land.